Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Morin Heights Ski Trip February 28, 2008

A Day of Cross Country Skiing in Morin Heights, Quebec

This morning I woke up to a beautiful sunny day. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do some cross country skiing and possibly snap some photos at the same time. So I decided to go up to Morin Heights which is a resort community which is situated in the Laurentian Mountains, about 55 minutes driving time from Montreal. Morin Heights is known for its vast network of cross country ski trails (Over 100 kms of backcountry and groomed trails) and features an Aerobic Corridor where people ski during the winter and cycle during the summer. A day pass is $7 weekdays, $9 weekends. Pretty cheap for an incredible day spent on the trails.

Photo description: The Aerobic Corridor Trail

Photo description: Nice view from the #12:Allen trail passing an open meadow.

Photo description: The beginning of a steep and narrow downhill on the #37:Bellevue trail.

Links of Interest:
bonjourquebec.com:Information on Morin Heights and other ski centres in Quebec
Click here to download a ski trail map of Morin Heights.